Invest in your digital future for as little as $22 and a couple of hours!

Are you looking to stand out in today's competitive job market? Are you eager to showcase your expertise in a particular field? Look no further! At Digital Literacy Licence, we offer a range of microcourses that can help you earn those coveted digital badges to populate your digital portfolio!

Choose Your Topic

With our broad selection of microcourses, you have the freedom to choose the topic that aligns with your interests, passion, or professional goals. Eager to excel in social media and keep in touch with friends and family? Our "Social Media" microcourse is the perfect fit. Want to simply be safe online? Choose our “Online Safety & Security” microcourse.

The possibilities are endless! Whatever your passion, there's a microcourse waiting for you to get you started.

Choose Your Topic

The best place to start!

This microcourse forms the foundation of your digital understanding by introducing you to the common terminology and symbols used across the digital world. This gives you the important building blocks for moving forward on your learning journey.

Master the Myriad of Devices

Our most comprehensive microcourse of them all! Covering the usual digital devices of computers, tablets and smartphones but also extends to look at smart tags, payment systems and other digital devices. Most importantly, learn to troubleshoot and maintain your tech!

Internet Essentials: Unleashing Your Online Potential!

Become an expert internet user with this microcourse covering the basics of how the internet works, conducting useful searches and making sure your browsing history is protected. Cement your knowledge by mastering MyGov, from Services Australia.

Shields Up! Essential Online Safety & Security Skills

This microcourse will focus on eSafety, online security, passwords and cybersecurity. You will explore topics related to safe practices in setting and protecting passwords along with actions to take against potential cyber threats.

Strengthening Your Social Media Savviness

This microcourse features two lessons to help you stay social media savvy in a digital world. Focussing on your digital footprint and online messaging, this cluster is sure to teach everyone something new!

Surfing the Web for Shopping Success!

This microcourse will cover how to make online bookings, payments and shopping safely as well as recognising online shopping platforms, buyer protection programs, fake advertisements, various online payment systems, and mobile banking.

Inbox Insights: Mastering Email Communications

This microcourse provides you with an understanding of the fundamentals of email communication, including the purpose, netiquette, and strategies for effective messages. Learn how to manage emails and understand email security.

Software Savvy: Empowering Your Digital Toolkit!

This microcourse is all about using and maintaining software and the skills needed that go along with that, such as understanding file management. Learn about word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and email software.

Navigating the Digital Minefield of Wellbeing and Legalities

This microcourse provides you with knowledge about ergonomics and human factors to ensure your physical safety when using technology, as well as technology, the law and you. You'd be surprised at some of the technicalities that impact you!

FutureTech Unveiled: Navigating Tomorrow's Digital Landscape!

This microcourse provides an introduction to the latest technology trends such as cryptocurrency and NFTs, the metaverse and virtual worlds, and teaches you how to critically evaluate online information to recognise deep fakes and other scams.

Enrol today!

Join the DLL Foundation Program as one level or as a bundle for the full program (4 levels).