Industry ESG Partnership Programs

We have a vision where everyone can navigate the digital world with confidence. We are the perfect social value solution. Collaborating with industry to close the digital skills gap in schools and communities, through Environment Social Governance (ESG) partnership program is what we do.

Talk to our team today about how we can partner to make a difference in schools and the community.

Reasons to Partner With DLL

By sponsoring a school or community organisation to DLL, you are equipping individuals with essential skills for today's digital age. This initiative not only fosters technological proficiency but also promotes inclusivity and empowers individuals who may have limited access to digital resources.

This creates a ripple effect, as individuals who acquire these skills can contribute more effectively to their communities and potentially pursue enhanced employment opportunities.

Support Your Community

According to the Australian Digital Inclusion Index, as of 2023, 9.4% of Australians are highly excluded digitally, and the average digital ability score is 64.9 points. The study also found that 10.5% of people are mobile-only users, and these users are typically associated with lower levels of digital inclusion. First Nations people and those on low incomes are overrepresented in mobile-only access.

The study further highlights that digital inclusion is higher among individuals with a higher level of education, employment, and income.


With a strong focus on accessibility and inclusivity, DLL goes beyond profit, prioritising the societal impact of our initiatives. We are committed to equipping individuals with the critical digital skills needed in today's world. By striving for widespread program availability, we aim to bridge the digital divide and empower communities across the board. DLL's unwavering dedication to inclusivity is at the core of our mission, enabling us to create lasting positive change in the communities we serve.

Trusted Partnership

  • “The Digital Literacy Licence (DLL) has been a great inclusion in our skilling programs. As an online microcredential program, this has assisted participants to have the flexibility to complete this section of the program at their own pace. SQW* allows us to provide additional support to the participants where necessary. We’re hoping to tailor the individual learning needs as much as possible to obtain the best outcome for the participant, the government investment and industry.

    We look forward to introducing DLL into all of our training programs and initiatives to ensure we’re taking everyone on the digital transformation journey with us.”

    Donna Isaacs, Energy Skills Queensland

    *Skilling Queenslanders for Work - SQW is a Queensland Government initiative.

  • “We’re pleased students will be able to access online resources for education and career development. Additionally, the students are better equipped to use digital technologies in their everyday lives. As eLearning Head of Department and Digital Technologies teacher, I’m glad to see a product that is assisting the students and teachers with this content in an ever-changing landscape.”

    Sue Isbell, Kelvin Grove State College

“Digital inclusion increases with education, employment and income.”